Call for Cooperation
Esteemed readers,
The journal Insurance Trends u izdanju Kompanije „Udruženja osiguravača Srbije” objavljuje originalne naučne i stručne radove, rasprave, komentare, analize i prikaze iz oblasti osiguravajuće delatnosti.
We invite you to contribute to the advancement of the journal as well as to the development of insurance theory and practice by your scientific and professional knowledge and experience.
Detailed instructions for preparing and submitting the papers are available at this site, in the AUTHORS GUIDE section.
Evaluation of papers for publication in the Journal (review) is made by eminent scientific researchers from Serbia and the region, the professors of insurance and related scientific disciplines from renowned universities.
The editorial board reserves the right to adapt the article to the unique standards of editing and to the spelling, grammatical and stylistic norms of the Serbian and English languages respectively.
Please send the papers to the email addresses below:
Uz rad treba poslati i potpisanu, skeniranu IZJAVU O ORIGINALNOSTI RADA.
We look forward to a successful cooperation.