People perceive long-lasting and exhausting transition of economy as an existential threat and a crisis that has been going on for too long. When population is impoverished, when the existing traditional values are re-examined, and business behaviour models are adjusted, it is very diffi cult to pave the way for the accelerated progress of the society as a whole. The coronavirus pandemic has further aggravated this fragile state of aff airs. Financial institutions bear the heavy burden of responsibility for the health and stability of the economy. Therefore, they bear moral responsibility for professional behaviour, as well as the obligation to make decisions that are in the general interest and relate to the accelerated development of society. Paradoxically, this is the most vulnerable activity in terms of ethics. Good news is that the fi nancial sector can solve this problem by consistently applying ethical norms since „Ethics represents the attempt to resolve a confl ict between selfi shness and selfl essness, between our material desires and our conscience.“
Key words: ethics, morale, insurance, Covid, crisis, business, fi nancial market.