Jovanović, prof. dr Slobodan

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Slobodan Jovanović was born on May 22, 1966 in Raška. He graduated in 1991 and in 1997, earned his master's degree at the Faculty of Law, University of Novi Sad on the topic of Freight Forwarder Obligations Regarding Client Protection in Yugoslav and Comparative Law. In 2002, he defended his doctoral dissertation entitled Reinsurance Treaty at the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade (Commission: Professor Predrag Šulejić, PhD mentor, Professor Ivica Jankovec, PhD President of the Commission, Professor Vladimir Stojiljković, PhD member).
From October 1, 1991 to October 31, 1993, he worked as a legal trainee at the Municipal Public Prosecutor's Office in Novi Sad. He passed the bar exam on December 1, 1993. From 1994 to 1995, he worked as a legal representative in labor disputes appointed by the City Council of the Confederation of Autonomous Trade Unions of Novi Sad, and from the end of 1995 to February 1996 in the Foreign Trade Department of Agrovojvodina - Metalurgija. From 1996 to 2010, in DDOR "Novi Sad", he was in charge of legal affairs in the field of insurance and reinsurance (monitoring and supervising strict compliance with legal and other regulations, recourse and other claims in out-of-court proceedings, detecting insurance frauds, legal affairs related to real estate and / or subsidiaries, preparation of model contracts and individual contracts, drafting, concluding and executing reinsurance contracts, etc.). During his working visit to the brokerage firm Heath Lambert Limited in London, he attended the Seminar on Reinsurance from 15 to 19 May 2000, organized by Royal & Sun Alliance Reinsurance Ltd. He was conferred the title of a licensed insurance agent on December 14, 2005.
Zа rеdоvnоg prоfеsоrа Prаvnоg fаkultеtа zа privrеdu i prаvоsuđе Univеrzitеtа Privrеdnа аkаdеmiја u Nоvоm Sаdu izаbrаn је јunа 2016. gоdinе. Аutоr је vеćеg brоја člаnаkа iz оblаsti prаvа špеdiciје, оsigurаnjа, rеоsigurаnjа u dоmаćim i inоstrаnim čаsоpisimа (Prаvni živоt; Еvrоpskо zаkоnоdаvstvо, Теmе, Prаvо – tеоriја i prаksа; Оsigurаnjе, Тоkоvi оsigurаnjа, Еvrоpskа rеviја zа prаvо оsigurаnjа, Assicurazioni itd.), Kоpаоničkе škоlе prirоdnоg prаvа i zbоrnicimа sа gоdišnjih sаvеtоvаnjа Udružеnjа zа prаvо оsigurаnjа Srbiје. Biо је dugi niz gоdinа pоtprеdsеdnik, а оd 2013. gоdinе imеnоvаn је zа prеdsеdnikа Udružеnjа zа prаvо оsigurаnjа Srbiје, prеdsеdnik је Rаdnе grupе zа rеоsigurаnjе i mеđunаrоdnu sаrаdnju Udružеnjа zа prаvо оsigurаnjа Srbiје оd 2006. i člаn Izvršnоg kоmitеtа AIDA Europe (rеgiоnаlnе оrgаnizаciје zа Еvrоpu Меđunаrоdnоg udružеnjа zа prаvо оsigurаnjа – AIDA) оd njеnоg оsnivаnjа 22. maja 2008. do 16. septembra 2020. gоdinе. U svојstvu člаnа Izvršnоg kоmitеtа AIDA Europe јеdаn је оd оrgаnizаtоrа njеnih kоnfеrеnciја (Cirih 2009; Аmstеrdаm 2011; Lоndоn 2012). Biо је glаvni i оdgоvоrni urеdnik Rеviје zа prаvо оsigurаnjа, čаsоpisа Udružеnjа zа prаvо оsigurаnjа Srbiје (оd 2006. dо 2013.). Člаn је Udružеnjа prаvnikа Srbiје i Маticе srpskе. Gоvоri i pišе еnglеskim јеzikоm, а služi sе nеmаčkim. Оžеnjеn је i оtаc dvоје dеcе.
He passed the notary public examination on November 7, 2017.
He was elected a full professor at the Faculty of Law for Economy and Justice at the
University of Business Academy in Novi Sad in June 2016.
He is the author of the book Insurance Law published in 2007 and of the 2016 edition, a co-
author of the book Reinsurance, published in 2004, and the book Insurance Intermediaries and
Agents in the EU and Serbian Law, published in 2007.
He is the author of numerous articles dealing with freight forwarding, insurance, and
reinsurance, published in Serbian and international journals (Legal Life; European Law, Теmе,
Prаvо – tеоriја i prаksа; Insurance, Insurance Trends, European Insurance Law Review,
Assicurazioni etc.) and in the publications of the Kоpаоnik School of Natural Law and Proceedings
from annual conferences of the Association for Insurance Law of Serbia.
For a number of years he was a President of the Association for Insurance Law of Serbia,
and in 2013 was appointed Vice President of that Association. He has been the President of the
Working Party for Reinsurance and International Cooperation of the Serbian Insurance Law
Association since 2006, and a member of the Executive Committee of AIDA Europe (Regional
Organization of the International Insurance Law Association for Europe) since its establishment in
2008. As a member of the Executive Committee of AIDA Europe, he participated in the
organization of its conferences (Zurich 2009, Amsterdam 2011, London 2012).
He was the editor-in-chief of the Insurance Law Review, a journal published by the
Association for Insurance Law of Serbia (from 2006 to 2013).
He is a member of the Lawyers’ Association of Serbia and the Matica srpska (Serbian
cultural and heritage institution). He speaks English and has a working knowledge of German.
He is married and a father of two children.

Uporednopravna i normativna analiza odredbi Srpskog građanskog zakonika iz 1844. godine (dalje u tekstu: SGZ) o ugovoru o osiguranju predstavlja predmet pažnje u ovom radu. Budući da se radi o srpskoj pravnoj tradiciji nastaloj u godinama obnove srpske državnosti i borbi za konačno oslobođenje od otomanske vlasti, SGZ nije mogao da odražava dostignuća domaće pravne teorije i sudske prakse. Njegovom sastavljaču, Jovanu Hadžiću, s obzirom na njegovo pravničko obrazovanje i pozitiv- no pravo u tadašnjoj Vojvodini, uzor za regulisanje ugovora o osiguranju izvesno je mogao biti samo Austrijski građanski zakonik (dalje u tekstu AGZ). Takav ishod je bio uslovljen i zbog nepostojanja prethodnih propisa ili poslovnih običaja koji su se primenjivali na ugovor o osiguranju. Zbog toga u radu upoređujemo zakonske odredbe oba zakonika samo u onim delovima i odredbama koje su relevantne za ugovor o osiguranju. U radu se analiziraju pravila pojedinih aleatornih ugovora SGZ, a naročito osiguranja, regulisanje i predmet ugovora o osiguranju, forma i zaključivanje ugovora o osiguranju. Obaveze čuvanja i spasavanja imovine po SGZ analizirane su posebno imajući u vidu da su one mogle shodno da se primenjuju u plovidbenom osiguranju. Ključne reči: Srpski građanski zakonik, Austrijski građanski zakonik, ugovor na sreću, osiguranje, rizici

U ovom radu prvo se ukratko razmatra pravna priroda i pravni okvir ugovora o kreditu i izdavanju kreditne kartice, njegovi određeni obavezni elementi i odnos tog ugovora i ugovora o osiguranju korisnika kreditne kartice, a zatim pojedini aspekti karakteristični za kreditnu karticu, njen privredni značaj i raširenost. U drugom delu rada razmatra se razvrstavanje ove usluge neživotnog osiguranja, priroda i obim opasnosti od koje se pruža osiguravajuće pokriće. Ukazuje se na akcesornu prirodu ugovora o osiguranju u odnosu na ugovor o izdavanju kreditne kartice. Osiguranje korisnika kreditne kartice autor deli na osiguranje u korist izdavaoca kreditne kartice i osiguranje u korist korisnika kreditne kartice, a zatim analizira specifičnosti osiguranja za slučaj nezaposlenosti i u slučaju nezgode osiguranika. Autor zaključuje da se osiguranje korisnika kreditnih kartica sprovodi isključivo metodom „imenovanih rizika“, da u domaćim uslovima osiguranja postoje nedostaci u pogledu definisanja pokrivenih i isključenih rizika, kao i da na inostranom tržištu postoje okolnosti za koje se na domaćem tržištu ne pruža pokriće. Ključne reči: kredit, kreditna kartica, osiguranje, rizici, uslovi osiguranja, kovid 19

Iako je trebalo da niske kamatne stope, posle svetske finansijske krize, proizvedu pozitivne efekte na privrednu aktivnost, takva politika ima i određene mane koje štetno utiču na finansijski sistem. U ovom radu autor razmatra osiguranja života u kojima je ugovoreno učešće osiguranika u dobiti osiguravača, ugovornu zaštitu osiguravača od nepovoljnog kretanja kamatnih stopa, mogućnost raskida ili izmene ugovora o osi- guranju života zbog promenjenih okolnosti na osnovu zakonskih odredaba i stavova pravne teorije, a jednim delom i aspekte pravne prirode ugovora o osiguranju života. Autor zaključuje da ugovor o osiguranju života ima karakteristike koje ga svrstavaju u dvostrane ugovore, ali i da zbog načina na koji funkcioniše ne ispunjava uslove da bude teretan (reč je o pravnoj, a ne ekonomsko-finansijskoj karakteristici ugovora o osiguranju života), da su za primenu instituta promenjenih okolnosti na ugovor o osiguranju života glavna prepreka njegova aleatorna pravna priroda i opšta načela ugovornog prava koja ne uvažavaju ekonomske efekte specifičnog načina funkcionisanja te vrste osiguranja, kao i da će institucionalni okvir, nenaklonost pravne teorije i sudske prakse primeni instituta promenjenih okolnosti na ugovor o osiguranju života zbog negativnih kamatnih stopa i dalje opterećivati osiguravače. Ključne reči: kamatna stopa, osiguranje života, učešće u dobiti, promenjene okolnosti

U ovom radu autor analizira uticaj pandemije kovida 19 na unutrašnje i spoljne aspekte organizacije osiguravača, a pogotovo na uslove osiguranja. U uvodom delu daju se opšte napomene o uticaju pandemija na društvo i privredu i opredeljuje se predmet rada. U drugom delu autor istražuje način na koji su osiguravači reagovali na nove uslove rada i ponašanje u odnosu na sopstvenu organizaciju i u odnosu na javnost i osiguranike, kao i određeni razvoj na makroekonomskom i političkom nivou u vezi s pokrivanjem gubitaka zbog kovida 19. Autor zaključuje da je bilo opravdano određeno kašnjenje u donošenju izmena i dopuna liste zaraznih bolesti, da osnovna karakteristika proširenja pokrića za kovid 19 domaćih osiguravača nije nadoknada troškova lečenja, već isplata dnevne nadoknade i pružanje informacija i određenih usluga. Takođe, autor zaključuje da upotrebljene formulacije radi isključenja rizika od zaraznih bolesti mogu stvoriti određene nedoumice u pogledu toga da li se neki štetni događaj može smatrati i osiguranim u zavisnosti od okolnosti i trenutka njegovog nastanka i odredaba pozitivnih propisa. Ključne reči: pandemija, kovid 19, zarazna bolest, osiguravajuće pokriće, uslovi osiguranja

Pravni položaj javnog beležnika i vrste usluga koje pruža presudno utiču na kompleksnost njegove odgovornosti, koja proizlazi iz obavljanja zakonom propisanih poslova. Radnje na zaštiti i ostvarivanju javnog i privatnog interesa za naknadu predstavljaju rizik iz kojeg može nastati profesionalna odgovornost javnog beležnika, koja se poistovećuje s osiguranjem od grešaka i propusta. To dovodi do višestrukih vrsta odgovornosti: građanske, disciplinske, prekršajne i krivične. U ovom radu autor istražuje interes države, stranaka i javnih beležnika u vezi s obavljanjem javnobeležničke službe u meri koja je relevantna za ovaj rad, pravni osnov i način sprovođenja osiguranja od profesionalne odgovornosti javnih beležnika, određivanje limita pokrića i neke specifične isključene rizike i specifičnosti nastanka osiguranog slučaja u osiguranju od profesionalne odgovornosti uvidom u uporednopravna rešenja javnobeležničkog prava, te naposletku stavove domaće i strane pravne teorije. Ključne reči: javni beležnik, profesionalna odgovornost, osiguranje, interes, štete

In order to understand the origin and development of cooperation between the Insurance Law Association of Serbia and Dunav Insurance Company, it is necessary to briefly acquaint the readers with the origins of the professional association for insurance law, as an institution. Since its emergence, the insurance business has always been a faithful companion of important social activities and a custodian of the economic values of individual and social property. Different social circumstances determine the direction in which economic activities and trade services will develop and, to that extent, insurance is no exception. With the emergence and development of joint stock insurance companies, the market has followed the economic and general social development by expanding the offer of insurance services.

Although the Law on Contracts and Torts should have, by its principles and
provisions, eliminated any doubt as to the rights and obligations of the contracting
parties in the legal affairs governed by it, this this did not fully occur as regards
particular contracts. This is especially so in commercial storage and forwarding
service contracts in connection with the insurance obligation and the issues of
construing and meaning of the “standard risks” term.
In this paper, the author analyses the “standard risks” term, according to
positive regulations, selected domestic and foreign sources of autonomous law in
the field of freight forwarding and views of legal theory, and makes a number of
proposals for improving the text of the provisions of the Law on Contracts and Torts
and the Draft Labour Code of the Civil Code of the Republic of Serbia. Regarding
the content of the obligation of warehouse keepers and freight forwarders to take
out insurance when the contract for the provision of storage and shipping services
does not specify the risks that should be covered under the insurance.
Keywords: standard risks, customs, fair trade practices, insurance, warehouse keeper,
freight forwarder

Switching from analogue to digital information technology increased the
electronic communication opportunities, especially after a gradual and ever-expanding use of the Internet since its introduction. On the other hand, the possession of
mobile electronic devices2
has become one of the elementary needs for all those who
want comfort and benefit from using the new technologies in everyday life and work.
The increasing number of owners of mobile electronic devices and the significant
price and portability of such devices (which is why there is an increased risk of loss
or damage) were the main reasons for the emerging demand for their insurance.
In this paper, the author pays attention to the subject matter and risks
insured, insurance cover and excluded risks and some of the obligations of the
insured persons which characterise this type of insurance. The topic was analysed by
insight into domestic and foreign literature available to the author and by analysing
a number of insurance terms and conditions of both Serbian and British insurers.
Key words: mobile devices, Internet, insurance, assets, cover, risks

Key words: robot, hazardous matter, product, liability, insurance

Digitalization of the vital data in all aspects of society has been showing an accelerated trend since the beginning of 21st century, whereas its extended application to insurance industry has been considered only in the last couple of years. It began at the time when the Internet was introduced for selling insurance and covering losses on mutual basis by membership in informal risk pools.
In this paper, the author analyses the content, impact and goals attained by
applying information technologies and digitalization, and subsequently analyses the
ways of using the Internet for effecting mutual insurance. The legal framework for
online mutual informal insurance is particularly discussed, together with the legal
status of policyholders and obligations of the intermediaries in informal mutual
insurance regarding the personal data protection.
As his sources, the author used the media, EU Directives and the regulations of the Republic of Serbia, as well as general business terms and conditions of
two foreign companies acting as intermediaries in the provision of informal mutual
insurance services.
Key words: digitalization, networks, Internet, informal mutual insurance, group, risk pool

Marriage is the cohabitation of a man and a woman governed by law. This
cohabitation is characterised by the effects of personal rights (changing family name
of a spouse, citizenship, community life, duty of mutual aid and respect, maintaining household, and deciding on the place of residence) and the effects of property
rights (financial maintenance, acquiring property during marriage, managing and
disposing of joint ownership, liability for obligations, etc.).
In this paper, the author analyses the insurance of consequences the divorce
produces on the property rights, because during the marriage, new property rights are
acquired and become a part of joint ownership or special property of spouses which is
acquired as debt free or otherwise. By analysing the rights effective in the selected federal
states of America, in the German law, and the rights arising from insurance terms and
conditions, the paper considers the effects of divorce on the existing insurance policies,
and insurance liabilities and their characteristics. The author concludes that high divorce
rate and poor culture regarding the conclusion of prenuptial agreements represent a
big opportunity for insurance companies in Serbia to draw up the terms and conditions
for insurance against the risk of divorce and offer them to prospective policyholders.
Key words: marriage, divorce, insurance, liability, legal protection, maintenance,
informing, counselling