Gajić, Boban

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Boban D. Gajić rođen je 19. aprila 1970. godine u Jagodini, gde je završio osnovnu i
srednju školu. Na Poljoprivrednom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu diplomirao je
1996. godine i stekao zvanje diplomiranog inženjera poljoprivrede (smer Ratarstvo).
Na Fakultetu „Singidunum“ u Beogradu odbranio je master rad na temu „Razvoj
prodajne mreže za prodaju neživotnih osiguranja“ 2015. godine i stekao diplomu
mastera poslovne ekonomije.
Autor je i koautor velikog broja stručnih i naučnih radova koji su objavljeni u
nacionalnim i inostranim časopisima.
Radno iskustvo:
Karijeru je započeo je u Kompaniji „Dunav osiguranje“ 1. februara 1999. godine.
U dosadašnjoj profesionalnoj karijeri radio je kao preuzimač rizika, procenitelj šteta,
šef Službe za osiguranje, direktor Sektora osiguranja u GFO Jagodina, menadžer za
razvoj prodajne mreže zadužen za regione prodaje Istok, Zapad i Jug, menadžer za
obuku i trening, gde se i sada nalazi. Pohađao je brojne naučne i stručne skupove iz
oblasti osiguranja, teorije rizika u zemlji i inostranstvu. Završio je niz kurseva koji se
tiču obuke i treninga za prodaju, o čemu poseduje diplome i sertifikate, pored ostalih i
diplomu trenera za prodaju. Od 2006. godine je licencirani trener Kompanije „Dunav
osiguranje“. Učestvovao je u edukaciji brojnih kolega i eksternih saradnika Takođe,
završio je niz kurseva koji se tiču menadžmenta – organizacije prodaje (planiranje,
delegiranje, motivacija, prodajni ciklus, selekcija i regrutacija kadrova, prodajno
rukovođenje). Godine 2019. izabran je za predavača van radnog odnosa
Ekonomskog fakulteta u Kragujevcu na studijskom programu osnovnih akademskih
studija Ekonomija i poslovno upravljanje, na nastavnom predmetu Osiguranje.

Usevi – plodovi nalaze se na otvorenom polju u stalnom i neposrednom dodiru s nizom prirodnih faktora ili sila čije je delovanje teško ili nemoguće unapred predvideti. Zato su usevi – plodovi često nezaštićeni i izlоžеni rаznim prirоdnim оpаsnоstimа (rizicimа) koje se javljaju svake godine s mаnjim ili vеćim intеnzitеtоm, nаnоsеći usеvimа vеlikе štеtе kоје nеkаd mоgu biti i kаtаstrоfаlnih rаzmеrа. Osigurаnjе bilјnе prоizvоdnjе јеdnо je оd nајrizičniјih оblikа оsigurаnjа sa stanovišta osiguravajućih kuća, a iz ugla osiguranika – jedna od najvažnijih vrsta osiguranja. U osiguranju useva i plodova zastupljena su određena načela nauke i tehnike osiguranja. Tehničke osnove osiguranja poljoprivrednih kultura sadržane su u uslovima i tarifi premije za osiguranje useva i plodova. Ključne reči: Osiguranje useva i plodova, uslovi osiguranja, rizici u osiguranju biljne proizvodnje, prihvat rizika u osiguranje.

Agricultural production is permanently and directly connected with a
number of natural factors or forces that are difficult or impossible to predict. Crop
production is most common outdoors, where crops are unprotected and exposed to
various natural hazards (risks). The intensity of these hazards may be lower or higher,
and at times even disastrous. Thus, for insurance companies, crop insurance is one
of the riskiest forms of underwriting, whereas for the insured persons it represents
one of the most important insurance lines.
Accordingly, in insurance of crops and fruit, loss assessment is crucial because
it is expected to ensure a realistic and objective indemnification of insured persons.
Having in mind the abovementioned and numerous novelties introduced
to insurance terms and conditions, this paper was produced as a result of the need
to inform and meticulously explain to the insureds the methodology and manner in
which the assessment of loss to crops and fruit is conducted. It is also intended to help
loss adjusters with experiential knowledge acquired in the loss assessment process.
Key words: Loss assessment method, insurance of crops and fruit, risks in crop insurance.

Motor hull insurance includes all types of conventional road motor vehicles
and also covers towed vehicles, special and working vehicles intended for use on
land, motorcycles, rolling stock and working machines and components thereof.
It represents a voluntary type of insurance governed by the terms and conditions
pre-defi ned by insurance companies in accordance with the Insurance Law and the
Law of Contracts and Torts.
The signifi cance and purpose of the analysis lies in better understanding of
motor vehicle insurance and comparison, clarifi cation and additional explanations
of the terms and conditions off ered to insurance customers by diff erent insurance
companies. Insurers off er diff erent coverages, diff erent insurance rates and terms
that help determine the compensation after the occurrence of the insured event.
Customers are often fl ooded with a large number of information they have to analyse and thus often make their choices based on rumours or vague statements, which
may result in the loss of money and unexpected consequences. For the purpose of
this analysis, a comparative method was used to compare and analyse motor hull
insurance terms and conditions of the three most prominent domestic insurers.
We intentionally chose to analyse this line of insurance since it proved to
be highly dynamic both regionally and globally.
Key words: motor hull insurance, insurance off er, risk, insurance terms and conditions,
insurance market.

While developed pension insurance systems function in three pillars, in
Serbia, the introduction of the second pillar is postponed until more favorable
conditions for its development shall have been created.
The third pillar of the pension system is on a voluntary basis and functions
in three related processes: payments to the voluntary pension fund, investment of
available funds and scheduled payments - pensions. The stable inflow into voluntary pension funds and the predictable payments allow for the creation of a quality
investment portfolio and realization of a long-term return on investments.
The key to success of Serbian voluntary pension funds is building confidence
of the population in this type of savings.
Key words: pension system, voluntary pension funds, financial market