Koprivica, doc. dr Marija (Jovović)
Marija (Jovović) Koprivica, PhD was born in 1983 in Nikšić, Montenegro, where
she completed primary and secondary school. She graduated from the Faculty of
Economics in Belgrade in 2007, and completed her master's studies in 2009. At the
same faculty, in July 2015, she defended her doctoral dissertation on Measuring Risks
in Determining Solvency of Non-Life Insurers.
She has been working at the Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade since
2009. She has been appointed to academic ranks of graduate student instructor,
assistant professor, and associate professor. At the Faculty of Economics in Belgrade,
she is engaged in the subjects Financial and Actuarial Mathematics and Insurance
Tariffs in undergraduate studies; Financial Mathematics, Actuarial Mathematics,
Accounting of Insurance Companies and Risk Management in master's studies; and
Financial Mathematics 1-D in doctoral studies.
She has participated in numerous domestic and international scientific
conferences, as well as in innovative courses in the field of insurance, actuarial and
financial mathematics. Scientific and research work of Marija Koprivica, PhD is mostly
focused on the application of modern actuarial, financial and mathematical models in
the field of insurance and financial markets. In foreign and domestic scientific
monographs, thematic proceedings, and journals, she authored and co-authored a
significant number of scientific papers dealing with the mentioned fields. She is a
member of the Society of Economists of Belgrade, the Serbian Association of Actuaries,
and the International Actuarial Association (IAA).

Globalno tržište osiguranja važan je deo svetske ekonomije i na njegov razvoj utiču makroekonomski faktori, intenziviranje postojećih rizika i pojava no vih, promene regulative, globalizacija, liberalizacija itd. Pandemija koronavirusa (COVID-19), prirodne katastrofe ogromnih razmera, infl acija i geopolitički događaji, uticali su, u najvećoj meri, na pad ili usporavanje rasta globalne ekonomije i svet skog tržišta osiguranja. Došlo je do blagog pada globalne premije osiguranja u 2022. godini u odnosu na 2021. godinu, a prema preliminarnim rezultatima, 2023. nastupio je blagi porast premije osiguranja u odnosu na 2022. godinu. Promene su se dogodile u ponudi usluga osiguranja, tražnji za njima i poslovanju osiguravača. Predmet rada je analiza pravaca razvoja svetskog tržišta osiguranja. Cilj rada je da se istakne stepen razvijenosti osiguranja u svetu i ukaže na spremnost svetskog tržišta osiguranja da se odupre negativnim pojavama i iskoristi savremene izazove za rast i poboljšanje performansi. Ključne reči: tržište osiguranja, životno osiguranje, neživotno osiguranje, pravci razvoja, COVID-19, prirodne katastrofe, infl acija, digitalizacija

Reosiguranje obezbeđuje zaštitu osiguravača od velikih i katastrofalnih šteta i ublažava fluktuacije agregatnog iznosa šteta, što doprinosi smanjenju rizika od njihove nesolventnosti. Međutim, transfer dela obaveze iz ugovora o osiguranju u pokriće reosiguravača ima svoju cenu, koja umanjuje profitabilnost osiguravača. Trenutni rast cena reosiguranja, koji je izazvan konstelacijom prirodnih, makroekonomskih i političkih šokova, jedan je od najvećih do sada zabeleženih. U takvim uslovima određivanje adekvatnog samopridržaja od krucijalnog je značaja za performanse osiguravača. U radu je predstavljen mogući pristup određivanju nivoa samopridržaja na osnovu prinosa i rizika. Pristup se zasniva na stohastičkim simulacijama raspodele verovatnoća agregatnog iznosa šteta na nivou portfelja osiguranja i efekata različitih programa reosiguranja na tu raspodelu, kako bi bio izabran onaj program pri kome se postiže maksimalan odnos između prinosa i rizika. Takvom programu reosiguranja odgovara nivo samopridržaja koji je optimalan za datog osiguravača. Ključne reči: reosiguranje, samopridržaj, kapital pod rizikom, prinos na kapital pod rizikom

Predmet rada su problemi obračuna riziko-margine kao elementa tehničkih rezervi osiguravača u regulatornom okviru Solventnost II. Usled nedostataka propisane metode troškova kapitala, u kombinaciji s niskim kamatnim stopama, riziko-margina je isuviše visoka i varijabilna, čime su pogođena prvenstveno društva koja se bave životnim osiguranjima. U radu se daju konkretne preporuke za prevazilaženje ili ublažavanje problema previsoke i kamatno osetljive riziko-margine. Preporučena rešenja uključuju kako modifikacije postojeće metode troškova kapitala tako i napuštanje ove metode i njenu zamenu drugim metodama za obračun riziko-margine. Ključne reči: riziko-margina, Solventnost II, stopa troškova kapitala, tehničke rezerve

The 17th International Insurance Symposium was held from 16 to 10 of May 2019 at Mona hotel in Zlatibor and was organized by the Serbian Actuarial Association and the Faculty of Economics of the Belgrade University. A large number of renowned Serbian and foreign experts, representatives of academic community, insurance and reinsurance companies, actuarial profession, audit agencies and supervisory bodies from several countries gathered again around a burning issue of Insurance on the Eve of the 4th Industrial Revolution. This Symposium, already well-known for importance of the topics it addresses, renowned lecturers, diversity of their lectures and interest they attract, this year raised the bar again.


Četrnaesti po redu Međunarodni simpozijum iz osiguranja u organizaciji Udruženja aktuara Srbije i Ekonomskog fakulteta iz Beograda održan je od 19. do 22. maja u hotelu „Mona“ na Zlatiboru. Još od 2002. godine, ovaj tradicionalni međunarodni simpozijum predstavlja svojevrsno mesto susreta, razmene ideja, stavova i iskustava renomiranih regionalnih, ali i globalnih eksperata iz oblasti osiguranja i aktuarske nauke i prakse. Kao i svih prethodnih godina, svojevrstan doprinos uspehu Simpozijuma i ove godine dali su predstavnici Narodne banke Srbije, osiguravajućih društava, udruženjā osiguravača, agencija za nadzor osiguranja, fakultetā i institutā.

Prikaz knjige : "AKTUARSKA MATEMATIKA" (ACTUARIAL MATHEMATICS). Autori: prof. dr Jelena Kočović, dr Mirela Mitrašević i dr Vesna Rajić Izdavač: Centar za izdavačku delatnost, Ekonomski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, Beograd, 2014. Obim: 302 strane

The subject of this paper are emerging tendencies of Serbian insurance market in the past decade. Comparative survey of the value of general
and specifi c indicators of development of the insurance market in the European Union, as well as in Croatia and Slovenia - as countries within the region
- allows for the positioning of the Serbian insurance market and identifying its
development problems. The beginning of the period which we have analyzed
is marked by the creation of a new regulatory framework and measures taken
by the insurance supervisory authority in order to stabilize the industry and
create a healthy basis for its development. In the remaining part of the observation period, the given insurance market undergoes the processes of privatization and liberalization, in order to increase market competition, raise quality
and enrich the range of insurance services, as well as to get a more effi cient
allocation of the industry resources. The research aims to identify the eff ects of
privatization of domestic insurance companies and of foreign investments in
Serbian insurance market or national economy. The authors claim that on the
insurance market, the foreign capital is not necessarily more successful than
domestic, thus denying the neo-liberal viewpoint according to which the sale
of domestic companies is the only eff ective development model of the insurance market in the emerging countries. The diff erence between the insurance
companies should not be made according to their ownership structure, but
according to the quality of their business and the services they provide.
Key words: insurance market, liberalization, privatization.