Cerović, dr B. Milan

- Email: ukos.bg@gmail.com
Rođen je 10.12.1941. godine u selu Kriva Reka, Opština Čajetina.
Osnovnu školu završio u Krivoj Reci, osmogodišnju u Čajetini, Ekonomsku školu u Užicu, Višu finansijsko-knjigovodstvenu školu i Ekonomski fakultet u Beogradu. Na tom fakultetu završio je i poslediplomske studije i stekao akademski stepen magistra ekonomskih nauka. Odbranom doktorske disertacije na Pravnom fakultetu za privredu i pravosuđe Privredne akademije u Novom Sadu stekao naučni stepen doktora pravnih nauka. Rešenjem Ministarstva finansija 1998. godine stakao zvanje ovlašćenog aktuara.
U delatnosti osiguranja radio je preko 45 godina. Počeo je 15 februara 1966. u Osiguravajućem zavodu Užice, koji se 1968. integrisao u Zavod za osiguranje i reosiguranje „Jugoslavija“, a 1974. godine u Zavod za osiguranje i reosiguranje „Dunav“. Od 1. januara 1991. godine iz Filijale Užice prelazi u Beograd na radno mesto direktora Direkcije za razvoj sistema osiguranja Kompanije „Dunav osiguranje“.
Od 15. marta 1995. do 31. marta 2011. godine obavljao je funkciju generalnog sekretara Udruženja osiguravajućih organizacija Jugoslavije, odnosno Srbije i Crne Gore, koje je posle izdvajanja Republike Crne Gore 2006. godine promenilo naziv u Udruženje osiguravača Srbije. Od 21. aprila 2011. godine je u penziji.
Zahvaljujući tome što Udruženje predstavlja i zastupa interese našeg osiguranja u Međunarodnom sistemu zelene karte i drugim međunarodnim institucijama i organizacijama osiguranja održavao je kontakte, imao susrete, razmenu iskustava i mišljenja sa predstavnicima Udruženja, organa za nadzor delatnosti osiguranja i drugih institucija iz velikog broja zemalja, među kojima najčešće sa predstavnicima Austrije, Grčke, Mađarske, Nemačke, Saveta biroa zelene karte i Evropskog komiteta osiguranja (CEA) koji je promenio naziv u Evropsko osiguranje (eng. Insurance Europe) najpre sa sedištem u Parizu, a zatim u Briselu.
Obavljao je poslove ovlašćenog aktuara kod deset društava za osiguranje, dva društva za reosiguranje i Udruženja osiguravača u zemlji, kao i kod Udruženja i biroa osiguranja u Republici Crnoj Gori. Radeći kao ovlašćeni aktuar dao je mišljenje ovlašćenog aktuara na preko 100 završnih računa sa izveštajem o poslovanju, na preko 10 trogodišnjih programa i planova rada akcionarskih društava za osiguranje i na preko 700 uslova osiguranja, tarifa premija i drugih akata i izmena i dopuna akata poslovne politike akcionarskih društava za osiguranje i akcionarskih društava za reosiguranje.
Objavio je preko 50 stručnih radova iz oblasti osiguranja u više časopisa i više zbornika radova domaćih i međunarodnih stručnih savetovanja i seminara. Često je davao intervjue, stručna mišljenja, komentare, izjave i sl. iz oblasti osiguranja medijskim kućama (Radio, Televizija, časopisi, dnevne novine i sl.).
Bio je predavač i ispitivač u internoj školi za obrazovanje kadrova u Kompaniji „Dunav osiguranje“ i član radne grupe za izradu nacrta Zakona o obaveznom osiguranju u saobraćaju Republike Srbije 2005. godine.
Objavio je knjigu Osiguranje motornih vozila-tendencije razvoja.
Služi se engleskim jezikom.
Radio je u više društvenih organizacija opštine, regiona i Republike Srbije. Bio je član Komisije za elementarne nepogode Vlade Republike Srbije, Predsedništva Vatrogasnog saveza Srbije, Saveta za bezbedbost saobraćaja, organa Auto-moto saveza Srbije i dr.
Odlikovan je Ordenom rada drugog reda Predsedništva Jugoslavije, dobitnik zlatne značke Saveta za bezbednost saobraćaja Republike Srbije i više drugih priznanja za rad u delatnosti osiguranja i društvenim organizacijama.
Oženjen je. Ima dve kćerke.

Početak XXI veka ušao je u istoriju kao era automobila. Dotadašnji slogan „Automobil je luksuz“ promenjen je u sasvim novi slogan, „Automobil nije luksuz, već neophodno prevozno sredstvo“. Posle nešto više od 100 godina auto je od luksuza postao optimalno prevozno sredstvo. Danas je teško zamisliti život ljudi bez automobila. Pomoću motornog vozila moguće je lakše i brže doći do bilo koje tačke u gradu, zemlji, na kontinentu pa i na nekom drugom kontinentu. Automobilski transport kao jedna od vrsta kopnenog transporta najrašireniji je i zauzima vodeću poziciju u prevozu putnika, robe i raznih vrsta drugog tereta na različitim udaljenostima. Pored pogodnosti koje pruža, automobil je i uzročnik raznih vrsta nezgoda. Po svojoj prirodi i načinu upotrebe, kao opasna stvar može prouzrokovati štetu kako na sebi tako i na drugom automobilu, vozaču, putniku, pešaku, ali i trećem licu i/ ili njegovoj imovini. Upravo zbog tih gubitaka vozilo je veoma pogodno i važno za sprovođenje više vrsta osiguranja, među kojima je kasko osiguranje motornih vozila jedno od zastupljenijih. Cilj rada je da se prikaže dugogodišnji tok razvoja kasko osiguranja motornih vozila i utvrdi njegovo mesto, uloga i značaj na tržištu neživotnih osiguranja u našoj zemlji. Analizom su obuhvaćene najvažnije kategorije osiguranja počevši od učesnika na tržištu i obuhvata polja osiguranja, preko zahteva za naknadu štete i tehničkih rezervi, do racio brojeva. Težnja je usmerena na detaljnije cifarsko prikazivanje tih kategorija osiguranja zato što brojevi, u svakom slučaju, preciznije i objektivnije od bilo kakvog teksta odslikavaju problematiku koja je predmet rada, uz veću mogućnost da čitalac izvodi sopstvene analize i zaključke. Pored analize kasko osiguranja motornih vozila, prikazaće se i prosečno godišnje učešće obuhvata, zahteva za naknadu štete i tehničkih rezervi osiguranja pet najvećih vrsta u grupi neživotnih osiguranja. Key words: motor vehicle, motor hull insurance, premium, claim, ratios

The analysis of the results of the insurance industry in the Republic of Serbia
presented in this paper includes the structure of the premium, prompt claim settlement and payment, ratio numbers and achieved technical result by line of insurance,
the gain or loss separately for life insurance, non-life insurance, total insurance and
total reinsurance.
The aim of the paper is to examine the 2016 actual level of insurance development as a whole, which can serve insurance companies to carry out a comparative
analysis in relation to the total realized insurance results in Serbia.
Key words: insurance market, insurance in Serbia, insurance premium, indemnity claims,
technical and financial result.

The concept of guarantee fund was regulated under the Law on
Compulsory Traffic Insurance that came into force in 2009, with the aim of
protecting passengers on public transport and third party claimants in traffic in
precisely defined cases. More than seven years has passed and the guarantee fund
is still not organised as envisaged, which is a topic highly debated in professional
The first and shorter part of the paper deals with the models of organising
the protection of third party claimants against specific risks in traffic which are
regulated under the EU Directives, recognised as European standards in that field.
They are compulsory in all European Union member states, but are applied in
exactly the same way in all other European countries, which had also been the case
in our country until 2009 when these operations were divided in two parts: one
part of operations to be conducted by the guarantee fund as an independent legal
entity and another part of operations to be carried out by the guarantee fund as
an organisational part within the Association of Serbian Insurers. This manner of
separation of operations is a significant deviation from the European standards and a
decades-long national experience which, justifiably enough, arouses broad interest.
The second and longer part of the paper analyses factors which affect the
choice of the guarantee fund organisation method with a special emphasis on and a more detailed analysis of the national practice, which should basically determine
the choice of the guarantee fund organisation model in our country with entrusting
the National Bank of Serbia with the monitoring and auditing activities.
Key words: insurance, motor vehicles, motor third party liability, guarantee fund,
organisation models.

There are multiple ways to analyse the insurance industry results. In
this paper, the author covers the portfolio structure, agility in claims settlement
and payment, ratio figures, loss ratio and profit and/or loss. Depending on data
availability, these are shown per life and non-life insurance lines of business and for
the industry as a whole.
The purpose of this paper is to analyse the achieved results and allow
an insurance company to carry out a comparative analysis of its results with total
achieved insurance results in the country.
Key words: insurance, premium, loss, technical result, ratio figures, profit, loss.

This paper analyses the results achieved in the insurance industry as a
whole, based on annual fi nancial statements submitted to the National Bank of
Serbia by insurance companies. It contains the portfolio structure, effi ciency in
adjustment and payment of claims, and profi t or loss data. Due to the specifi c
features of insurance business, the additional indicators are also analysed and
they include ratios and technical result. Business indicators are shown per
insurance lines, except for profi t, i.e. loss.
Aim of this paper is analysis, overview and assessment of how successful
this industry is as a whole, but also to enable comparable analysis of achieved
results according to insurance lines of each insurance company individually, in
relation to totally achieved results of all insurance companies in the country.
Key words: premium, claims, technical result, ratios, profi t, loss.

This paper analyses the results achieved in the insurance industry as a
whole, based on annual financial statements submitted to the National Bank of
Serbia by the insurance companies. It contains the portfolio structure, efficiency
in adjustment and payment of claims, and profit or loss data. Due to the specific
features of insurance business, the additional indicators are also analysed and
they include ratios and technical result. The results that are presented may be
used for analysis and assessment of how successful this industry is as a whole.
Key words: premium, claims, business results, technical result, ratios, profit or loss.

In general terms vehicles, especially passenger cars, had a powerful
effect on change in social, family and personal life of people worldwide. Motor
vehicle is no longer considered a luxury as it was in the past. Nowadays, motor
vehicle is required to meet everyday needs of a modern man. The age of cars is
not over yet. It keeps progressing and growing in terms of technical and technological development of automotive industry and constant increase in number of cars, thus having a positive effect on motor insurance development and
other insurance lines dealing with motor vehicles.
This paper analyses the development of automotive industry in Serbia
and worldwide, depending on demand trends which are influenced by many
factors. Most important factors are achieved level of motorization, demographic trends and standard of living measured by gross domestic product per
capita and purchasing power of citizens. Past dynamic development of automotive industry and data and projections of basic assumptions that define the
demand trends indicate that it is realistic to expect growing demand and increase in number of motor vehicles, which would favour further development of
automotive industry and motor insurance, as well as other nonlife insurance
lines dealing with motor vehicles worldwide, in Serbia and the region.
Having considered the development of automotive industry and number of vehicles, it can be concluded that the significance of motor insurance is
on the increase worldwide. Apart from cars, many other things related to motor
vehicles may become subject matter of insurance, such as Motor Third Party
Liability Insurance, which is compulsory insurance worldwide. The scope of
motor insurance is the greatest when compared to other nonlife insurance lines, which is particularly noticeable in some countries worldwide, in Serbia and
the region. For the purpose of further development of this insurance segment,
due to the significant scope and numerous similarities and some differences in
practice of motor insurance, this paper analyses some of the main indicators of
business results in countries formed after the dissolution of Yugoslavia.

Automobil uopšte, a putnički posebno, snažno je uticao na promenu društvenog, porodičnog i ličnog života ljudi širom sveta. Motorno vozilo više nije luksuz, kao što je bilo u dužem vremenskom periodu u prošlosti, već jedno od neophodnih sredstava za zadovoljenje svakodnevnih potreba savremenog čoveka. Vreme automobila ne samo da nije prošlo, nego se nastavlja i raste kako u pogledu tehničko-tehnološkog razvoja auto-industrije tako i stalnim povećanjem broja kola, što povoljno utiče na razvoj osiguranja motornih vozila i drugih vrsta osiguranja povezanih sa automobilima. U prvom delu rada analizira se razvoj auto-industrije u svetu i kod nas, u zavisnosti od kretanja tražnje, na koju, pak, utiče više faktora, među kojima su od posebnog značaja dostignuti stepen motorizacije, demografsko kretanje i životni standard stanovništva meren bruto društvenim proizvodom po glavi stanovnika i kupovnom moći građana. Dosadašnji dinamičan razvoj auto-industrije i podaci i projekcije osnovnih pretpostavki koje opredeljuju kretanje tražnje ukazuju na to da je realno očekivati da će nastupiti rast tražnje i povećanje broja motornih vozila, što će pogodovati daljem razvoju auto-industrije i osiguranja automobila, kao i drugih vrsta neživotnih osiguranja povezanih sa motornim vozilima širom sveta, u našem okruženju i kod nas. Uzmemo li u obzir razvoj auto-industrije i broj kola, doći ćemo do zaključka da je i značaj osiguranja motornih vozila u stalnom porastu u celom svetu. Pored automobila, kao predmet osiguranja javlja se i još mnogo toga u vezi s motornim vozilom, a najznačajnije je osiguranje vlasnika automobila od građanske odgovornosti za štete pričinjene trećim licima, koje je u skoro celom svetu obaveznog karaktera. Obim poslova osiguranja motornih vozila zauzima prvo mesto ispred svih ostalih vrsta neživotnih osiguranja, što je posebno izraženo u pojedinim zemljama u svetu, u našem okruženju i kod nas. Radi daljeg razvoja ovog segmenta osiguranja, zbog znatnog obuhvata i velikog broja slič- nosti, ali i određenih razlika u praksi sprovođenja osiguranja motornih vozila, u drugom delu rada analiziraće se neki od glavnih pokazatelja ostvarenih rezultata poslovanja u zemljama nastalim posle raspada Jugoslavije.

Although the number of MTPL Policies written in 2012 increased compared to 2011, the gross collected premium amount decreased, on account of
Euro exchange rate growth. Positive business results were achieved thanks to
the reduced number and amount of the claims settled and the reduced number
and slightly increased amount of the claims reserved.
Unlike the life and other non-life lines (excluding the compulsory traffic),
which reported loss in 2012, the compulsory traffic lines achieved positive financial results and/or profit.
Having in mind the total achieved business results, the combined premium system and minimum MTPL premium tariff have been sufficient to cover the claims for indemnity and other legal liabilities, and there is no reason to
increase them.
Long-standing MTPL problems and achieved results indicate the need
to reconsider how justifiable it is to apply the minimum premium tariff system
and allow for the gradual transfer to the concept of market liberalization. Big
premium amount discrepancies can neither be expected in the free market conditions, but the Insurers shall, based on the risk assessment and their business
policy, be instructed to harmonize more, taking into account their own experience and the experience of other domestic Insurers, which might have positive
influence on finding common solutions, pursuant to the Law and Code of Conduct on compulsory traffic insurance lines. The Insurance Companies should be
made more responsible for taking the risk of their business operations in this line
of business, as well. We should also bear in mind the fact that the MTPL market
liberalization is a mandatory standard in the EU member states.

Da bi treće oštećeno lice ostvarilo pravo na naknadu štete koju je pretrpelo u saobraćajnoj nezgodi, moralo je, sve doskora, dokazivati da je vozač kriv za štetu. To je često bilo teško, a u pojedinim slučajevima čak i nemoguće učiniti. Veoma brz razvoj saobraćaja i povećanje broja saobraćajnih nezgoda zahtevali su nova rešenja, prvenstveno radi brže i bolje zaštite žrtve, ali i zarad povećanja bezbednosti i otklanjanja zastoja u saobraćaju. U međuvremenu, za slučajeve kada u saobraćajnom udesu nema povređenih, odnosno poginulih lica, stvoren je Evropski izveštaj o saobraćajnoj nezgodi, kao zamena za brojne dokaze koji su se morali koristiti pri podnošenju zahteva za naknadu štete, što se pre svega odnosi na zapisnik o uviđaju saobraćajne policije i druge dokaze o nastanku štete. Njegova upotreba u našoj zemlji ograničena je na slučajeve kad je materijalna šteta srazmerno mala. U ovom radu analiziraju se propisi koji uređuju upotrebu ovog dokumenta, koji je u početku izazivao različite stavove i ponašanje osiguravača, ali i sudova. Radi dosledne primene propisa koji uređuju ovu materiju i zbog otklanjanja određenih nedostataka, autor predlaže izmene i dopune propisā, kojima će se preciznije definisati visina manje materijalne štete ili predvideti upotreba Evropskog izveštaja o saobraćajnoj nezgodi u svim slučajevima kad nastupi materijalna šteta bez povređenih, odnosno poginulih lica – a to je praksa u svim drugim evropskim zemljama.

MTPL insurance is one of the most important non-life insurance classes
which, due to its mandatory character, is legally regulated more than other classes,
and justifiably so. Operating results achieved in 2011. indicate that, on the one hand,
companies do not comply to the regulations imposing limitations on the loading
for expenses of management and underwriting, including the acquisition fee and,
on the other, positive operating results were achieved, regardless of the fact that
the underwriting expenses were exceeded.
When the operating results are analysed in general, common premium
system and minimum MTPL premium tariff are adequate to cover the claims for indemnity and other liabilities, in accordance with the law. However, if individual results are observed, there is a possibility that insurance companies will take different
actions. The majority of companies may be inclined to keep the existing premium
amount, whereas some may reduce it, and a number of such companies may resort
to premium increase.
Achieved results and existing problems in the MTPL insurance market have
indicated that the justifiability of minimum premium tariff should be reconsidered
together with the shift to free formation of insurance prices. Until that happens, the
majority of companies will expect to solve all their problems through the increase
of minimum insurance price, regardless of the fact that they have neither reached consensus in this regard nor is that a permanent solution. Considerable differences
in the amount of insurance premium are not to be expected even in the circumstances of the free market, however, the insurers have to adjust it drawing on their
own experience and the experience of the other insurers in Serbia, which can have
a positive impact on finding common solution in accordance with the law and Code
of Conduct relating to the compulsory insurances in traffic. This would make companies more responsible for their operating risks in this insurance class, having in
mind that the liberalization is one of the compulsory standards effective in the EU
Member States.