Professor Njegomir, Vladimir PhD

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Vladimir Njegomir was born in Novi Sad in 1977. He graduated bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees in the field of risk management, insurance and reinsurance. In 2001, he was awarded as the best student in the generation at the Faculty of Economics in Subotica. In 2009, he obtained PhD in technical sciences in the field of industrial engineering and management (management in insurance) at the Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad. In 2016, for his doctoral thesis in the field of insurance, he was conferred PhD in Economic Sciences at the United Nations University for Peace.
He worked in a London-based finance software company for nine years and was tasked with the analysis of finance sector, particularly in the field of risk management, insurance and reinsurance. He was employed in Dunav Insurance Company as an advisor for strategic planning, corporate governance, and business analysis.
In 2010, he was appointed Assistant Professor lecturing on the subject of insurance and insurance risk management at the Faculty of Law and Business Studies „Dr Lazar Vrkatić“. Since 2014/2015 academic year, he has been lecturing on the subject of Entrepreneurship. In 2014, he was appointed Vice Dean for Research and Deputy Head of the Department for Business Economics. In 2016, at the same Faculty, he was appointed Associate Professor. For his scientific research, in 2011, he was awarded by the National Bank of Serbia.
With his research papers in the field of entrepreneurship, risk management, insurance and reinsurance, he participated in scientific and professional conferences home and abroad. In addition to eight books that he co-authored (Basics of Insurance and Reinsurance, Reinsurance, Insurance: Economic Principles, Insurance: Economic and Legal Principles, Economics of Insurance, Insurance Companies in the Role of Institutional Investors, Claims Management in Insurance and Climate Changes and Agriculture Insurance), and was a sole author of four books (Insurance, Insurance and Reinsurance: Traditional and Alternative Approaches, Entrepreneurship, and Risk Management in Insurance and Reinsurance). He published more than 150 scientific and professional papers in the field of risk management, insurance and reinsurance. His papers are published in the renowned scientific journals such as The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance – Issues and Practice, Transformations in Business & Economics, Economic Thought and Practice, Economic Research and Economic Annals, and leading professional journals in the field of risk management, insurance and reinsurance.
He is an editor-in-chief of a scientific journal Civitas, a member of the editorial board of the journal Svet osiguranja, and a member of the Balkan Scientific Association of Agrarian Economists and the International Insurance Society. He is fluent in the English language.

Cilj ovog rada je da se analizira odnos između društveno odgovornog poslovanja (DOP) osiguravajućih društava i njihovog tržišnog učešća. Glavna ideja ovog istraživanja jeste da ukaže na to da aktivnosti usmerene na primenu DOP treba posmatrati kao investiciju, a ne kao trošak. Osiguranje se zasniva na poverenju, a poverenje se uglavnom gradi društveno odgovornim poslovanjem. Efikasna primena društveno odgovornog poslovanja ključan je instrument za postizanje konkurentske prednosti u delatnosti osiguranja, s obzirom na to da omogućava razvoj pozitivne svesti o određenom osiguravajućem društvu. Istraživanje je zasnovano na javno dostupnim podacima o 16 osiguravajućih društava koja posluju na srpskom tržištu osiguranja. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na to da su osiguravajuća društva koja su integrisala DOP u svoju strategiju i primenjuju načela održivog poslovanja uočena kao društveno odgovorna od strane sadašnjih i potencijalnih osiguranika i drugih zainteresovanih strana, što rezultira povećanjem premije osiguranja i tržišnog učešća. Ključne reči: osiguranje, preduzeće, društvena odgovornost, strategija JEL klasifikacija: G22

PRIKAZ KNJIGE OSIGURANJE I PREDUZETNIŠTVO: TEORIJSKA I EMPIRIJSKA ANALIZA MEĐUZAVISNOSTI Autor: prof. dr Vladimir Njegomir Izdavač: Tectus Obim: 302 str. Monografija Insurance and Entrepreneurship: a Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of Interdependence (Osiguranje i preduzetništvo: teorijska i empirijska analiza međuzavisnosti) predstavlja rezultat dugogodišnjih istraživanja njenog autora prof. dr Vladimira Njegomira u predmetnoj oblasti. Zasniva se na njegovim dosadašnjim istraživanjima, projektima, objavljenim člancima i knjigama. Ulažući velik trud, autor je u monografiji uspeo da ukaže na problematiku međuzavisnosti osiguranja i preduzetništva, a tu je tematiku po prvi put na našem prostoru, i među prvima i u svetu, analizirao ne samo teorijski već i empirijski. Nastala je kao rezultat njegovog nastojanja da se potvrde utemeljene teorijske postavke da osiguranje pozitivno utiče na preduzetništvo, a analiziran je i povratni uticaj preduzetništva na osiguranje, kao i zajednički uticaj na ekonomski rast.

Autori: prof. dr Boris Marović i dr Dragan Marković Izdavač: Princip press

Liability insurance, as a part of nonlife insurance, has a special role in developed economies. In the area of product liability, risk management as well as insurance emerged relatively recently. The reason lies in the fact that the very existence of this risk has been neglected for a long time. However, in developed economies, first in the USA then in Europe and Japan, more and more attention is being drawn to this risk and to the issue of consumer protection. Despite the underdevelopment of this type of risk management and insurance in Serbia, we think that placing focus on both global and European trends in this area is important. The paper presents two EU Directives related to this area, the available forms of product liability risk protection and characteristics of insurance coverage for this type of risk.

One of the key trends of contemporary insurance and reinsurance market is the emergence of receivables and risk securitisation. In insurance, the basis for application of securitisation is the application of similar mechanisms in the banking industry. However, securitisation in the insurance industry has special characteristics in relation to banking. The aim of this paper is to lay foundations for future theoretical research and practical application of these mechanisms in Serbia, and to highlight the main concept of securitization in life insurance by presenting the main characteristics, advantages and disadvantages from different perspectives.

Insurance premiums, as the key development indicators of insurance industry, have recorded significant growth rates in Serbia, as well as in other developing countries. The aim of this paper is to facilitate decision making and forecasting of future insurance trends for present policy makers and those planning to enter Serbian insurance market by offering information based on the analysis of key industry determinants. The analysis covers the period from 2004 to 2009 and focuses on the developments in premiums, claims, reserves, ownership structure, companies’ market shares, portfolio structures and regulatory changes. Special attention has been given to comparison of trends among Serbia, the European Union and countries of exYugoslavia as well as to issues imposed by pending accession to the European Union.