Smiljković Stojanović, Jugoslava
M. A, specijalista za eksterne odnose s javnošću u „Dunav osiguranju“

Eff ective internal communications build foundations for successful
external communications since they have a direct impact on employee
effi ciency, satisfaction and motivation and add value to the company, its
services, products and its brand name. Being directly connected with the
company objectives and development, investment into human resources and
internal communications is a basis of any good strategic thinking. Internal
communication actually speaks about leadership. To understand internal
communications of a company, it is necessary to consider its organizational
culture. Some theorists defi ne organizational culture as a set of common
understandings and shared assumptions of members of diff erent groups. The
others focus on culture as shared company values and norms. Organizational
culture is important for the analysis since it has a considerable infl uence on the
public relations model used by a company and internal communications which
Key words: internal PR, information, motivation, communications, management,
internal branding, organizational culture