Videnović, PhD Snežana, Assistant Professor
Snežana Videnović rođena je 1966. godine u Beogradu, gde je završila osnovnu i srednju školu. Diplomirala je 1993. na Pravnom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu. Odbranom teze „Еvаluаciја i uprаvlјаnjе pеrfоrmаnsаmа zаpоslеnih“ na Univеrzitеtu „Brаćа Kаrić“, Fаkultеt zа strаtеgiјski mеnаdžmеnt, godine 2007. stiče zvanje mаgistra nаukа strаtеgiјskоg mеnаdžmеntа. Odbranom doktorske teze „Моgućnоst primеnе coachinga u Srbiјi“, 2013. gоdine, dobija zvanje dоktоra еkоnоmskih nаukа na Univеrzitеtu Uniоn, Bеоgrаdskа bаnkаrskа аkаdеmiја.
Na Academy of Executive Coaching u Londonu, 2009. godine, stiče diplomu sertifikovanog kouča za razvoj lidera, s najvišim ocenama koje je jedan kandidat dobio od osnivanja Akademije. Sertifikovani je ekspert za upotrebu psihometrijskog sistema za analizu ličnosti Tomas International od 2006. godine. Takođe, sertifikovani je medijator upisan u Registar posrednika u mirnom rešavanju sporova u Ministarstvu pravde.
U osiguravajuće društvo „Dunav osiguranje“ prelazi 2008. godine, gde radi i danas.
Zvanje docenta na Fakultetu zdravstvenih studija Univerziteta Bijeljina dobija 2013. godine. Na Master programu Beogradske bankarske akademije 2016. godine, kao gostujući profesor, predavala je predmet Organizaciono ponašanje i držala radionice poslovnih veština (soft skills). U školskoj 2019/20. predaje Poslovnu etiku u finansijama.

Majority of business entities and insurance companies are ready to accept changes, but reluctantly accept models, approaches and methods of highly developed countries due to specific cultural and social conditions. Starting with information obtained by analysing relevant literature in that field, the main purpose of this paper is to show the trend of implementing the coaching method in insurance companies in Serbia. Companies implementing this method recorded an increase in performance in several dimensions of growth and development – employees and the company. Implementation of the coaching method was considered on a sample of 10 insurance companies by using a survey. The paper presented the extent to which insurance companies in Serbia accepted the coaching as a successful method for employees’ development, but also for increasing the efficiency of a company. Survey results showed that insurance companies used coaching as a method for employees’ development and recorded its positive impact, but that they have not yet established a coaching climate in a company. Conclusions based on theoretical statements and considerations of the survey results indicated the need to introduce the coaching method in insurance companies where this concept has not been practiced so far. Key words: coaching method, education, insurance companies, employees’ development, performances.

Ovaj rad ima za cilj da prikaže koji su to faktori koji utiču na prevaru od strane zaposlenih u osiguranju, pre svega od onih što su identifikovani kao lideri. Naime, dobro upоznаvаnjе ličnih karakteristika potencijalnih izvršilaca i motiva za izvršenje mogu pomoći u identifikaciji prevara i biti od koristi svima koji rade na njihovom otkrivanju. Predmet istraživanja jeste specifična vrsta krivičnih dela, u naučnoj literaturi poznatija kao „prevara belih okovratnika“. Zaposleni koji počini prevaru samostalno ili u saradnji s drugim počiniocima, uzrokuju enormne štete po kompaniju, počev od reputacije u javnosti pa sve do milionskih nominalnih iznosa proneverenog novca. I to ako prevara bude otkrivena, što se u praksi sporadično i dešava. Osim toga, u radu će biti prikazane оsnоvnе tеоriјskе prеtpоstаvkе kоје оmоgućаvајu bоlје upоznаvаnjе i rаzumеvаnjе određene vrste prevara u osiguravajućim društvima koje su počinili njihovi zaposleni. Prikaz prevarā „belih okovratnika“ sa kojim se suočava većina osiguravajućih društava nudi uvid u dosadašnje naučne spoznaje ovog problema, stvarajući uslove za prevenciju vršenja ove vrste kriminala u оsigurаnju. Ključne reči: prevare, osiguranje, liderstvo, beli okovratnici.

Dugotrajnu i iscrpljujuću tranziciju kroz koju prolazi privreda stanovništvo doživljava kao egzistencijalnu pretnju i krizu koja predugo traje. U periodu kada je stanovništvo osiromašilo, kada se postojeće tradicionalne vrednosti preispituju a modeli ponašanja u poslovnoj praksi koriguju, veoma je teško ustanoviti pravac koji vodi ubrzanom napretku društva u celini. Pandemija koronavirusa dodatno je otežala to krhko stanje. Finansijske institucije na plećima nose teško breme odgovornosti za zdravlje i stabilnost ekonomije. Stoga one snose moralnu odgovornost za profesionalno ponašanje, kao i obavezu da donose odluke koje su od opšteg interesa u pogledu ubrzanog razvoja društva. Paradoks je da je ta delatnost etički najranjivija. Dobra vest je da fi nansijski sektor može rešiti taj problem doslednom primenom etičkih normi budući da „Etika predstavlja pokušaj da se reši sukob između sebičnosti i nesebičnosti, naših materijalnih potreba i naše savesti.“ Ključne reči: etika, moral, osiguranje, kovid, kriza, biznis, fi nansijsko tržište.

Successful organisations in the world regard their employees as the most important development resource. Employee motivation and satisfaction have become their modern backbone. Attitude to one’s own work is the most important of all employee attitudes. Job satisfaction is a complex attitude that includes particular assumptions and beliefs (cognitive component), feelings (affective component), and job evaluation (evaluative component). Job satisfaction is one of the most explored topics in the field of human resources.

To spot the virtues and good qualities of an individual within an organization, to constantly develop, to focus on the aim and the vision of an individual and/
or a team – to invest all the energy, talent and time in order to realize it, these are all
possible ways of paying not too high a price for a small dose of existential security.
Within the framework of objective conditions, it is possible to choose the lifestyle
which is simply called coaching. Because this is what coaching actually is – a way of
life and not merely a tool in the hands of managers.
Coaching is skill or art in business, if at all possible to draw a borderline
here, because any sufficiently developed skill becomes art.

Immaterial value accounts for around 80 percent of the total value of any company. Such value includes everything that is intangible: patents, trademarks, copyrights, brand, client relationship. Also, all intellectual capital is created by employees. Trying to compare what we have invested in our employee and got in return is a very demanding task. Performance measurement and measuring instruments in organisations were developed throughout 20th century, mostly in manufacturing companies. Times have changed, circumstances even more. Method of measurement has to change. Most often, companies tend to measure return on invested capital – ROIC,ratherthan the employee’scontribution to a company

Financial statements less and less evaluate the actual worth of insurance companies. Fostering solidarity within teams, building trust at all levels, and motivating employees
for research and development helps the organization to avoid
a bad scenario of market collapse.
Financial indicators, howevercleartheymay be, do notsufficiently demonstrate the performance of an organization. Employee satisfaction, loyalty,motivationand corporate culture are
the values which, at the end of the day, are recognized and which, in these times ofcrisis, ensure survival in the market.